Spartanburg Criminal
Defense Attorneys

Were You Charged With a Crime?

No one should take criminal charges lightly. A conviction on your record can result in difficulty obtaining employment and denials on housing applications. And there are the actual expenses of being charged with a crime; court costs, attorneys fees, and fines can add up quickly.

When you are facing criminal charges, a criminal defense lawyer can help prepare a legal defense to defend your case aggressively. Remember that the prosecution bears the burden of proving your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. A criminal defense attorney will perform a thorough investigation to uncover any information that disproves the prosecution’s theory of the crime. We will fight to protect your rights and seek the best outcome for you. Your future is too precious to leave to chance. Contact Hub City Law, LLC to discuss your case.

Types of criminal charges we handle

At Hub City Law, we will fight diligently to protect the interests of defendants charged with any criminal violation. Some criminal charges you really need to hire a criminal defense lawyer for are described below.

South Carolina
DUI Charges

DUI charges carry serious penalties in South Carolina, including the possibility of losing your driver’s license.

Section 56-5-2930 of the South Carolina Code prohibits drivers from operating a motor vehicle within the state while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

A first-time DUI conviction carries the potential of 48 hours to 30 days in jail, as long as your blood alcohol level (BAC) was below 0.10. If your BAC was between 0.10 and 0.16, you might face between 27 hours and 30 days in jail, in addition to a fine of $500. In lieu of jail time, the court can allow the defendant to serve the time in public service employment.

Domestic Violence

South Carolina’s criminal code outlines a number of drug charges, from possession with intent to sell to drug trafficking.

Domestic Violence charges arise when a person is accused of physically harming or attempting to physically harm any household member. 16-25-10 of the South Carolina Code defines a household member as any:

Domestic violence charges do not apply unless a household member was harmed. Penalties for domestic violence charges depend on the specific crime and allegations. Contact Hub City Law today to discuss your case.

Drug Charges In
South Carolina

South Carolina’s criminal code outlines a number of drug charges, from possession with intent to sell to drug trafficking.

The penalty ranges vary based on what you are charged with. Possession with intent to distribute represents one step above simple drug possession charges.

The sentence for possession with intent to distribute depends on what controlled substance you are accused of possessing. For example, a marijuana charge of possession with intent to distribute carries the potential of five years in prison for your first offense.

Weapon Charges

South Carolina defines some weapons charges as misdemeanors and others as felonies.
Common gun charges include:

Many weapons charges carry serious penalties that can have long-lasting implications on your life. Additionally, a felony gun charge can affect your ability to legally own a gun in the future.

Contact Hub City Law for help with your case today!